Violation Information

Residents within Three Oaks are subjects to the community rules and regulations, as defined within the home owner association documents. The governance of the community rules is performed by the volunteer board of directors, volunteer residents, and our property management firm.

This section of our website contains information on the most common violations and how to cure them. If you would like additional information about a specific violation, please contact the HOA using the Contact form on the Contact page.

Common Issues and Violations


North Section of Three Oaks

The mail box and posts in the north section of the community are cast iron, and include a light. The most common issues that residents encounter include:

  • Non-Working Light - The solution is often a replacement bulb. In other cases, the light sensor is bad an needs to be replaced.

  • Faded or Missing Numbers - The solution is to replace the numbers. Some residents have found replacements at a local hardware store, and others have contacted a local sign company.

  • Physical Damage - The mailbox posts and boxes in the north section of the community are cast iron metal and different from the wood posts in the south part of the community.  The original manufacturer no longer supports, repairs, and provides replacement parts for these metal posts.  When residents need to repair their metal mail posts, they have contacted various metal working vendors in the area.  As a service to other residents, the HOA provides the following business contacts as information only.

    • Nostalgic Lampposts & Mailboxes Plus, Inc - Phone: (941) 223-1677

South Section of Three Oaks

The mail box and posts in the south section of the community are wood with an aluminum mail box. The most common issues that residents encounter include:

  • Mold - A mild solution of soapy water and bleach can be used to ciean the post and mail box. Some residents also use wax based cleaners to help prevent mold and to make future cleaning easier.

  • Faded or Peeling Mailbox - The hunter green color of the aluminum mailbox will fade or peel over a 2 to 3 year period. The solution is a fresh coat of exterior spray paint from a local hardware store. Remember to clean the mailbox before repainting. For information on the painting or replacement of a mailbox, see the mailbox information page.

  • Faded Post Color - The three shades of green on the posts will fade or peel over a 2 to 3 year period. The solution is a fresh coat of exterior high-gloss house paint. Remember to clean the post before repainting. For information on the post painting color codes, see the mailbox information page.

  • Post Damage at the Base (Turf Line) - A common cause of damage to the base of the post, is from trimmers and lawn mowers. The solution is the installation of a post protector. Residents can purchase these online or from a local hardware store. Based upon your preference, resident have selected the colors black, hunter green, or a natural alumumim color. Remember to purchase a size that fits a 6x6 post. For information on the purchase of a post protector (weed trimmer guard), see the mailbox information page.

  • Post Slant Replacement - Coming Soon…

Light Post

A common issue with the light posts is a non-working bulb. The solution is usually a replacement bulb. In other cases, the light sensor has expired and needs to be replaced. Both items can be found at a local hardware store. Please be aware that some LED light bulbs may not function with some light sensors. Please speak with a hardware store associate to match up a bulb and sensor.

An issue for residents in the south section of the community is a broken globe or globe holder. The most common cause is wild or storm damage, that cracks or breaks the globe. In recent years, the local hardware stores no longer stock these items. Residents have the option of ordering the items through the online hardware stores, or purchasing them on services like Amazon. (Insert helpful links and spec)

Roof Mold

It is very common for the cement tiles on your roof to develop mold. Roofs in full sun have less mold, since rain water and morning dew is dried quickly. While roofs with shade stay moist and will develop mold faster. Based on your homes location, you may need to have your roof cleaned once every 1 to 2 years. Residents have the option to use the professional services of a power washing company, or to clean the roof using spray solutions from the local hardware store.

Driveway, Sidewalk, and Walkway Mold

Similar to a homes roof, your driveway and sidewalks will develop mold. A simple solution is a mild mixture of water and bleach. In advance cases when maintenance has been neglected, power washing might be necessary. The local hardware stores also sell pre-mixed solution for cleaning driveways and sidewalks.

Trash or Recycling Cans Stored in Public View

The Sarasota Country Trash and Recycling pick-up schedule for our community is Tuesday mornings. Residents are asked to place containers and items for pickup on the curb no earlier then Monday evenings. All emptied containers should be collected and properly stored away from public view, such as the garage or a screened area on a side yard, no later than Tuesday evening.

Overgrown Shrubs and Trees

Residents are responsible for the proper trimming and maintenance of trees and shrubs. Common issues that resident may be contacted about include: Dead palm frond on trees, Low tree branches over sideways, low tree branches over the street, overgrown shrubs that hinder the use of sidewalks, overgrown shrubs that extending to the street, and overgrown shrubs in the publicly viewable yard.

Dead Grass Patches, Lawn Weeds, and Weeds in Shrub/Flower Beds

Residents are responsible for the proper maintenance of their yards and lawns. Proper maintenance includes watering, pest control and fertilizer. Issues that residents should address include, patches of dead grass, uncut lawns, and excessive weeds in flower beds.

Damaged Fence

Residents with fences must keep the materials and gates in working order. For wood fences, residents must replace or repair broken boards. For vinyl and plastic fences, residents must keep the fences free of mold and stains.

Home Exterior (Mold and Painting)

Residents are responsible for the maintenance of the exterior portion of their home, covering the walls and gutters. This includes the cleaning of mold from the walls and gutters, and the repainting of the home when needed. Depending upon a homes exposure to the sun and the type of paint, most residents will find the need to repaint their homes every 5 to 7 years.

Commercial Sign Advertising

The display of commercial signs and advertising in yards is prohibited. If a vendor is providing services at your home, and asks to having their business sign placed in your yard, please inform the vendor that signs are prohibited in the community.

Political Signs

The display of political signs in yards is prohibited. This includes signs that advertise or promote a candidate, referendum, or other ballot measure. Signs related to political and social activism are also prohibited.